The LoF Mentorship Program
The LoF Mentorship Program is a preparatory stage and offers the opportunity to the mentees concerned to establish a basic foundation for their future roles.
Growing Leaders of the Future.
To prepare potential leaders through the Aspire and Inspire Initiatives for a journey of masterful displays of exemplar achievements and rich legacies.
Key Objectives
The LoF Mentorship Program has the following Key Objectives:
- To highlight the importance of leadership to young people aspiring to become leaders in the future;
- To provide young people with leadership ambitions the opportunity for self assessment, evaluations and mentorship guidance/feedback on their potential and how this can be harnessed;
- To support the initial development of young potential leaders so as to enable them establish a solid foundation for their journey into the future of work and accomplishments
- To establish a network of young leaders of the future for knowledge transfer and experience enrichment
LoF Program – Development Process
The LoF Process for the mentorship and development of young individuals aspiring to become leaders of thefuture is based on 4 stages (4Es).
E1. Exposure
Through carefully crafted knowledge products young mentees are expected to learn about distinctive aspects of effective leadership from the point of view of readiness.
E4. Eminence
The acquisition of an acceptable standard of understanding, appreciation, readiness level for the leadership foundation outcomes.
E2. Evaluation
Mentees will be asked to evaluate themselves against specific criteria and in relation to the various distinctive dimensions that are considered to be important for their preparation.
E3. Enhancement
Reflections and improvements in specific aspects are carried out with mentorship and guidance offered by the LoF Mentorship and guidance team of experts.
Stages of LoF Mentorship Program
1. Aspects related to SELF
To help mentees consider their inner readiness aspects. This is carried out through the ASPIRE Program:
2. Aspects related to OTHERS
To help mentees consider their ability to influence others. This is carried out through the INSPIRE Program: